Part 7: Take Leisure!

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Welcome to our Annual Summer Retreat, posted here as a mini-online retreat for you. As the woman at the well went at noon to be refreshed and gather water for the day, so we must return readily to our own Divine wellspring.  Our time together will provide an opportunity to drink fully from the well that is Benedictine Spirituality.

By Benedictine Sisters Mary Core and Stefanie MacDonald

Look at your daily routine. Is there a time for leisure? Do you walk, drink tea, read?

St. Benedict prescribed Holy Leisure for his monks, and for good reason. It helps keep us in balance!

Joan Chittister, OSB writes, “In American culture, leisure may be one of the most difficult spiritual elements to achieve. We are trained to be doers and makers, not dreamers and seers.” Continue Reading

Work: Making Something Beautiful for God


Our annual summer silent retreat is underway, and we are going to share it with you.

You can make this retreat at home, if you wish, by reading each reflection and taking time to reflect, journal, sit in silence or walk quietly through a beautiful place.

By Sister Stefanie MacDonald, OSB

Monks “live by the labor of their hands” (RB 72).

In many ways, everyone does.

Whether you plow a farm field or fold towels at home, work contributes to your well being as well as the well being of your community. Continue Reading