The Fruit of Self-Control: Part X

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end. Lamentations 3:22

Most of the time I think we live in a obsessive-compulsive world. Go, go, go – more, more, more seems rather routine attitude. I don’t exclude myself from this. I can get dead set on the task, idea or whatever – and go at it in a rather determined stance. On the other hand, I often feel if something can be done later, then I will do it later.  I am a procrastinator in many areas!  Continue Reading

The Fruit of Patience: Part IX

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matt 7:7

So often when I pray with Matthew it comes down to trusting in God. While we can be sure God will answer our prayers and open new paths as we need, we also can be sure God will do it in God’s time … not ours! Continue Reading

Come Take a Walk with Me!

Dear Friend,

Come take a walk with me! Autumn days are so proud of their walls of beauty. They call to us wherever we are, to admire the paintings of God. The trees and leaves are beautiful with their various colors. As we stroll down the pathways here at St. Mary’s we see the lake on one side and the woods on the other. When I was in High School I loved Robert Frost’s poem about the woods. Do you recall these lines:

“The woods are lovely dark and deep,
And I have promises to keep.
And I have promises to keep…………..” Continue Reading