The Final Days

By Sr. Margaret Murphy, OSB

I found within myself a dry empty place…a disappointment for someone who loves the richness of preparing while waiting for Christ to come. So I decided to take Christ to others who might find emptiness, dryness, or pain as part of their waiting. I began to seek out those who can’t get out or around, the sick, the grieving, or lonely. Perhaps I could help someone who carries a  heavy burden.
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4th Sunday of Advent: God is With Us

By Sr. Catherine Cleary, OSB

1st  Reading: Is 7:10-14 “The virgin shall bear a son and shall name him Immanuel”; 2nd Reading: Rom 1:1-7 “Through him we belong to Jesus Christ, and are called to be holy” Gospel: Mt 1: 18-24 “And they shall call him Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.”

Today is the fourth and final Sunday of Advent. The readings sound (almost pound!) in our ears. They seem to say, “Don’t you get it, surely by now you understand.” This infant is GOD. Today’s first reading and the Gospel tell us his name is Emmanuel, meaning “I am with you always until the end of the age.”(MT 28:20). Continue Reading