Benedictine Discernment Week Update

As the week cam to an end for the two women visiting the Monastery, it seemed to have been very good.  We had a session on Friday about the vows and how they form our life of stability, obedience and conversion of life.  On Thursday, we had a session on the life of St. Benedict using photos of Norcia (birthplace), Subiaco (lst community), Rome (student days) and Monte Cassino, where he finished his Rule and died, from Sr. Ruth’s and my time in Italy.  Continue Reading

Inquirers Learn about Monastic Life

This week there are two inquirers at the Monastery experiencing life in community. Both women have been here for shorter periods of time before, but a week gives them an opportunity to really experience the daily rhythm of our lives. One woman is from Wisconsin and finishing her senior year of college.  The second woman is from Illinois and works in a group home for developmentally disabled adults. A third inquirer will join us for the weekend. What they have been discovering is the simplicity – as well as the joy – of monastic life. Continue Reading

Feeding Body and Soul

This might seem a weird connection but it struck me this week. Last week I was enjoying a country music festival with my sister and a mutual friend. We head out every July for a 4-day festival in Twin Lakes, Wisc. We join about 30,000 other people for good music, relaxing days and an affordable vacation. The concerts are held on the hillside of a huge ranch. Continue Reading