The Psalms: A Dialogue with God

bible with psalm

A bunch of poems are sandwiched between Job and Proverbs in the Old Testament. Scholars believe they were written both during King David’s time and decades later, by indeterminate authors.

They are the Psalms, and have been prayed for 2500 years.

What are they, exactly? Just a collection of complicated verses from long ago? Or sentiments that express every single human emotion, as fresh today as when they were written? Continue Reading

Part 5: Roll your stone out of the way

burial cross

There’s lots of talk about resurrection this time of year, from the good news of the Easter story to what we witness outdoors in every new flower. But what does it really mean to us, in a practical way? The Catholic Benedictine Sisters of St. Mary Monastery collaborated on this 10-part answer to the question of How to Practice Resurrection Every Day. We will publish it in installments over the next couple of weeks!

See, I am doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it? – Isaiah 43:19

Alone in our mini-graves, we emulate Jesus’ time in the tomb.

There, we must open ourselves to healing, so that we can be reborn as the stronger and more compassionate people we will become.

But we have to let God in. Continue Reading