Standing Empty Before God

By Sister Ruth Ksycki, OSB

“If you return to me with all your heart and all your soul … God will turn to you, hiding the face of glory no longer.” (Tobit 13:6) This verse from today’s canticle from Tobit seems very appropriate for the first Monday in Lent. It reminds us of the purpose of our Lenten journey – to re-direct our thoughts and energies to living in God’s presence at a deeper level by opening our hearts to the mercy and grace God pours out. Standing empty before God, the glory of God’s face (mercy) will penetrate our armor of darkness and flood our being with loving forgiveness. Sometimes it just requires turning around!

A Different Kind of Fasting

By Prioress Sister Phyllis McMurray, OSB

Each time we approach anew the season of Lent, our thoughts often move quickly to the question, “What practices shall I concentrate on during Lent?” or, “From what shall I fast?”

In the reading on the first Friday in Lent, Isaiah 58 speaks of the inadequate observance of fasting carried out by the people, and conveyed a different challenge to them: Continue Reading