Demand Your Personal Experience of Christ!

holy-ghost-churchBy Benedictine Sister Stefanie MacDonald, OSB

As a Benedictine Sister, I usually join my own community for Eucharist. But while visiting my family in Dubuque over the weekend, we went to Mass at my home parish where we enjoyed a different take on the Thomas story.

Instead of the usual talk about his doubting – and don’t get me wrong, it is important to reflect on that – we heard a reflection on Thomas’ need for a personal experience. Continue Reading

The Season of Hope

magnolia-budEditor’s note: When we created our new website and blogs, we lost some important information, including the authors of our oldest posts. From time to time, we will repost them as authorless but heartfelt messages from the Benedictine Sisters of St. Mary Monastery.

How often, this time of year, we hear people exclaim ‘isn’t it great winter is done and the buds are showing?’ It is almost like a common hello. Perhaps we ought to be saying ‘isn’t it great the Passion is over and Resurrection brings hope?’ I like to say that we are entering the Season of Hope. Continue Reading

Off on Spring Break!

stef-and-mackenzieAfter a beautiful Triduum and Easter day at the monastery, I’ve gone to Dubuque to visit my family for spring break (that’s my little sis Mackenzie with me).

We’ve been to Mineral Point and to Yellowstone State Park in nearby Wisconsin. Great spots, great fun!!!

I miss my Sisters and my students, but it’s great to be with my family for a while. I’m glad I live close enough (Dubuque is only an hour and a half from Rock Island) to be able to go whenever I have time!!!

Spy Wednesday


Sister Andrea Giltner braids palms.

By Sister Stefanie MacDonald, OSB

In Catholic school I was taught that today is “Spy Wednesday.” It’s the day when Judas arranges to have Jesus arrested.

Judas has been stealing money for the poor from the Apostles’ purse. Now, he earns more money by betraying Jesus.

We all have times in our lives when we need more money. But what could have motivated Judas first to steal, and then give over his once-friend for cash? Continue Reading