A Visit to the Catacombs

Dispatch #13 from Sr. Bobbi

Early last Saturday, we went to the catacombs and what an awesome site. It is a huge underground area. There is a distinction between pagans and Christians. As well there are symbols indicating a martyr or pope. There were burial room with families over generations. And rooms of Martyrs where the Christians held Mass when forced underground during the early  persecutions after Christ.  Continue Reading

Window into a Benedictine Retreat: What we see, do and learn

What We Do During Retreat

We are on retreat this week, meaning that the whole community is home; silent, attending presentations by Sr. Shawn Carruth, OSB (Mount St. Benedict Monastery, Crookston, Minn.), and in deep prayer.

Retreat time is, for our Sisters, in some ways the most life-giving week of the year. It is a time of deep reflection and rest, with undivided attention on God and God’s creation. No one is running off to ministries after prayers this week! Continue Reading