The God with Feathers

By Sr. Catherine Cleary, OSB

A small child was asked in catechism class to say who the Holy Spirit was. She answered, “You mean the God with feathers?” Well … yes!

This God with feathers was hard to comprehend as children. Images of flame and wind complicated the picture.

As adults, we have a better understanding of the pulsing, radiant nature of the Spirit, present everywhere. Continue Reading

The Evolution of a Benedictine Sister's Ministry

Working to eliminate the death penalty, no matter what the crime

Race relations in the south were still poor and sometimes dangerous back in the 1970’s.  Black residents were often targets of police harassment. They might be stopped for driving. They might be frisked for walking down the street. They might be jailed for … existing.

And they were the first suspects in any heinous crime. Continue Reading