This New Year, Resolve to Pray!

sunrise-for-blogBy Sister Catherine Cleary, OSB

New Year’s Day brings us to a new day, a new year, a new resolve in our lives.

It brings us to a new awareness that the Babe, Jesus, did not stay in the crib. He grew in wisdom and grace. He is in the world, in all of creation but essentially he is in our hearts. He is in the lives of everyone … even those who do not recognize him!

Jesus is present in the poor and the rich, in the well and the sick, in the peaceful and in those who are at war. How will you recognize Him? Continue Reading

The Mystery of Mid-December

praying-childBy Sister Catherine Cleary, OSB

During these last 3 weeks of Advent, we have reflected on the words, Watch, Prepare, and Light. They are themes taken from the Sunday readings.

On our 4th and final Sunday, the readings direct us to the word Mystery. It is used by Paul in his letter to the Romans.

We have plenty of mysteries today. For instance, isn’t it a mystery that the ELF on the SHELF is such a motivator for a child’s behavioral change? In my day, it was Santa’s Elves peeking in the window to tell Santa of our wrongdoings. (My father used that one frequently.) Continue Reading

The Light that is God … through You

bell-tower-by-sheila-at-sunrise-for-fb-and-blogBy Sister Catherine Cleary, OSB

If  watch and prepare were the  buzz words for the 1st and 2nd Sundays of Advent, I suggest that light is a key word to praying the Gospel for the 3rd Sunday of Advent.

When the bells call us to Vespers at 4:50, we enter our chapel and are met with a glorious light show. The sun streaming through the west windows catches the dust motes in a dance of red, orange pink and violet colors which no artist could reproduce. Continue Reading

Who Would You Say You Are?

stef-leading-preschoolersBy Sister Stefanie MacDonald, OSB

Sister Stefanie’s Advent Scripture Study continues today. Read the 3rd Sunday readings and ponder them. Feel free to comment here, or – if you’d rather have a private conversation – email her at She’ll get back to you right away!

In Sunday’s gospel we hear the priests and Levites ask John the Baptist, “Who are you?” Hmmm. Who would you say YOU are? Continue Reading