Our Daily Bread

The week began with the bread of life story from Scripture at Sunday Eucharist.  It is the one where the apostles tell Jesus they have only a few loaves and fishes to feed such a large crowd gathered to hear Jesus.  In His usual calm way, Jesus simply tells the apostles to feed them.  Amazingly, all are WELL fed with plenty left.

It is a rich story of God’s abundance.  We, in our limited view, might see what little we have while Jesus is much more expansive and sees all that can be done.  How often have you felt limited in an experience only to find you really had what you needed?  How often do you think we can’t possibly do that, only to discover we can do it?!

Keep your eye set on trusting in God’s abundance and Jesus’ strength.  It is that combination that becomes our energy to be and do as needed even when we despair.  I believe the Holy Spirit surprises us repeatedly.   I see the Spirit as that energy that propels me forward when I may only be looking behind.  That Spirit is the love of God and Jesus to do and be beyond our expectations.  All built on Trust that God knows our needs and will provide.

As you continue discernment trust that God will feed and nourish you even though you are not always sure what it is you need.

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