My God, My God, Why Have You Abandoned Me?

By Sister Catherine Cleary, OSB

These are the first of the seven last words spoken by Jesus the night before he was crucified.

They must be the words spoken by a single mother, Janice, who is burying her 18 year old son this week; he was killed in an automobile accident on Saturday night.

And the words spoken by the parents of their 7-year-old daughter who has been diagnosed with brain cancer.

And by the young girl whose soon to be fiancé just broke up with her. And the father of 7 who was laid off from his job last week.

The list could go on and on.

The faith-filled but frantic and scared and angry Christian cannot help but scream out these words, in spite of his or her faith. The thought of Jesus who went before us – frantic and scared and angry … and resurrected – brings a calm and, eventually, peace.

4 thoughts on “My God, My God, Why Have You Abandoned Me?

  1. I actually said those words to God a few days ago. Am trying to figure out what I did wrong to deserve such a beating in this life. I asked God if He knew what it was like to be hurt when you didn’t deserve it? And the answer is, yes. Somehow, we just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus and Mary and be so thankful for them. Also, many thanks to the Sisters and this wonderful website!


  2. Dear Peggy,

    We can scream and cry out to those who love us and we KNOW they will still be there loving us. Your plaintive response fills my heart with love for you, also with prayers for your faith and hope and love. Keep truckin.

    Are you near us, would it help to come in to talk? I am here if so.

    Sr. Catherine Cleary, OSB


  3. Hi Sister Catherine,
    Maybe you could send me your email address, as I live in Texas. Your webpage is so wonderful that I have made it my homepage.


  4. Peggy,
    My email address is:
    If you send me your address I could send you an article which might help you through your sorrows, distress and crosses. After every storm there is the sunshine… You are in my prayers. Catherine Cleary, OSB


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