New Growth, New Hope

The week after Easter brings out the best in Spring. I love these days when the morning has a chill and the days warm up slowly. Tips of green plants poke their heads up in my garden. Slow process this transition to Springtime.

The week after Easter brings out the best of Scripture too.  Jesus is Risen and the disciples get energy when the empty tomb is discovered. Each day at Eucharist we read another story of the disciples recognizing Jesus. One day Jesus is a gardener, another day He is the stranger on the road who starts a conversation, another day He joins them for a meal – each day a bit more is revealed of Jesus and a few more disciples catch on. I think of it as their Springtime – a slow process of new growth and new hope. It doesn’t happen in a instant, does it?

This is the season of new life, renewed energy, deeper recognition of the power of creation  – little by little we see the beauty around us that we have nurtured. The power of Jesus’ Love for us is freshly revealed and   little by little our faith grows.

Enjoy the beginning of Spring!!!

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