A New Year's Blessing … and Resolution

By Sister Catherine Cleary, OSB

I cannot think of a more beautiful, more genuine, or more all encompassing New Year’s blessing than that from the writer of the Book of Numbers, 6:24-27:

The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you!
The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace.

Whether we enter 2014 with relational, financial, health or employment stress, in faith, we believe Christ’s light will pierce the darkness of our hearts.

What could be added to this New Year’s blessing? It is fitting that New Year’s Day is called the feast of the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.

It is because of Mary who surely must have doubted, worried, grieved in her life, yet she believed with unwavering  generosity.

Because of her faith, hope and love, we too can trust the light of Jesus Christ to shine upon us.

So, here’s a resolution for 2014: I will listen with more trust, attention and generosity for the voice of God. I will open my heart to the light of Jesus Christ. I will ask you, O God, to help my unbelief!

2 thoughts on “A New Year's Blessing … and Resolution

  1. Mary Ellen Rogers

    Says it all. I often quote; “I belief, help my unbelief” and your blessing/resolution fits right in place for me. Thank you Sister Catherine Cleary. Happyb Blessed 2014.

    Mary Ellen


  2. Mary Ellen,

    Thank you for your response!

    I am always sorry that I see you across the conference table and only say, “Hello” and “Good-bye.” I really do appreciate your membership on the board, your comments, your expertise and your experience in such work for the Church!

    I am helping Sr. Audrey celebrate her birthday today, not sure if she knows what all the fuss is or not.

    Blessings and prayers always,

    Sr. Catherine


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